If the power is exhausted, however, the hero will have to find some way to rest or recharge before using it again. As long as the skill is not reduced to zero, the power refreshes next scene. After rolling, the characters must step back the skill by one. When activated, the superskill allows the hero to attempt fantastic feats, doubling his current skill bonus. Heroes can use the skill as normal, but can also opt to make use of the power by spending a fate point. Heroes that use technology or magical items can invest the skills into the item itself as skill extras, carrying Spears of Destiny (Physique) or building fantastic clockwork robots (Shooting). A teen touched by the powers of an ancient, primordial god might take Super Athletics. A hero born on an advanced alien world might take Super Lore. One way of creating superpowers in Fate is to allow players to designate skills as superpowers, instead of taking stunts. For example, a hero might take the high concept Genetically Engineered Supersoldier to represent his superhuman strength and agility and the origin story Dimensional Traveler to simultaneously note that he’s a fish out of water in our world. Remember that aspects should always be double-edged, noting the character’s strengths and weaknesses. This section will give you a few tools to make superheroes work for your group! Origin Storiesįate superheroes are a lot like regular Fate characters, but they can replace the trouble phase of character creation with an origin story, an aspect that quickly summarizes how the character acquired superpowers and/or why those powers cause the hero problems. Fate characters are already incredibly competent and accomplished folks, but sometimes your group might want to push the system even further, telling a story of actual superheroes who fight crime and supervillains who want to conquer the world.